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At The Modern Schoolhouse, we believe each child is capable and rich in potential. This is why we focus on the child as a whole, helping each one to grow academically, socially, and ethically, all within a framework of a loving and friendly environment. Early education is an opportunity to nurture a child's curiosity, develop problem-solving skills, and make meaningful connections. What makes our program unique is we allow children to learn by constructing new knowledge through inquiry, experience, exploration and play. We understand they need to move, ask questions, solve problems, articulate their thoughts, learn from mistakes, celebrate accomplishments and make a difference in the world where they can. Appreciating diversity and collaboration, our staff and families work together to create a high-quality educational experience for our students to thrive academically and in life. 

W H O L E - C H I L D | A P P R O A C H

IQ - Intelligence

A child's cognitive abilities, in particular language and arithmetic. By encouraging students to solve with strategy, teaches children to look at problems from various angels and different solutions. 


EQ - Emotional

The capability to identify, assess and manage emotions. By accepting and acknowledging feelings, students can discern feelings by words and actions, learning respect and empathy, in all creating more meaningful relationships. 


SQ - Spiritual

Quality that helps the inner-wellbeing by restoring balance to the mind and body. Students use breathing techniques to reconnect the mind and body to attain self-confidence, trust and happiness. 


CQ - Creativity

Being creative allows children freedom to take risks and explore new ways of doing things. By challenging assumptions, allowing to make mistakes, and encouraging to explore, students are given the ability to think innovatively.


AQ - Adversity

Resilience during unexpected setbacks. When children are faced with problems, providing adequate space and time to solve their own situation help them realize their ability to improve situations independently.

C O N S C I O U S | D I S C I P L I N E

the Seven Skills of Discipline are the only skills needed to transform everyday discipline issues into teaching moments.








B U I L D I N G  |  B L O C K S

trusting the process


Children are given tools to express themselves in healthy manners from simple conversational skills to problem-solving. 


Teachers and students model positive behavior, encourage and empower others by influencing the energy in the room.


Aware of their emotional zones, students are taught how to restore balance from behavioral and emotional responses.


Students are made aware and given techniques to find solutions in situations and conflict that better the outcome. 

Mindfulness & Kindness

Focusing on being present and aware of not only ourselves, but those around us.

Every day we wake up with kindness in our heart. Kind words, kind voice, kind heart.

Community Involvement

Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.

Starting 2022, each month, students help prepare sack lunches for those in need.

Academic Excellence

Every opportunity is considered a teachable moment. Through these moments students are engaged in a competitive curriculum that readily prepare them for Kindergarten.

Growth & Independence

Using everyday adversity and learning to adapt to new discoveries and grow independently.

S C H E M A T I C | P L A Y


Patterns of repeated behavior that allow children to explore and develop their play through their thoughts and ideas. 


joining things together or tying things up.


create enclosed spaces for themselves/objects.


enveloping themselves, objects or space.


seeing the world from different angels. 


carefully placing objects in sequence or patterns.


interested in things that rotate or are circular.


involved in how they and things move.


moving things from one place to another.


 Learners of all ages needed to be taught regulation competencies aligned to their developmental continuum and be given the opportunities to practice the skills in a safe and supportive environment.

  RED ZONE                       GREEN ZONE                 YELLOW ZONE                       BLUE ZONE

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